

“What will success look like?”

Are you 100% confident that everyone on your team has the same answer to this pivotal question? If not, you risk putting a lot of effort into activity that doesn’t add up or get traction. It would be smart to build shared vision.
Vision-in-a-Box® is a rapid visioning tool that gets everyone on the same page in just a few hours of work together. Envisioning the Flawless Future™ through the eyes of key stakeholders changes up the conversation. It inspires fresh thinking. It builds alignment. It moves ideas forward.

Who can benefit?

A TEAM that is
  • new or re-organized
  • project-based
  • in need of an energy boost
  • overloaded with priorities
  • spinning its wheels

Snap a rapid visioning process into a team meeting or off-site retreat.

  • renewing its strategy
  • driving culture change
  • transitioning leadership
  • absorbing a reorganization

Equip leaders to cascade the conversation across the organization.

vision-in-a-box toolkit

VisionFirst can

lead your session

train HR/OD professionals to lead sessions with  clients

train  leaders to lead sessions with their own teams

integrate Vision-in-a-Box training into your leadership development curriculum

  • “We make decisions and check progress based on our visioning work outcomes. It’s been easy and natural to sustain momentum.”
  • “We engaged people in the process. As a result it is their vision. As we build goals and objectives, there is an instant connection.”
  • “The process is very open, making it easy to participate and contribute ideas.”